Lose The Spoke Magnet Before You Lose Your Spoke Magnet

One of the most annoying problems that I’ve had with a bunch of my ebikes is the cheap & craptastic spoke magnets. The magnets fall off in the middle of the woods never to be found again (I’ve lost 2 of them before I started using blue loctite) The spoke magnet detector gets knocked out…

No One Gives A Rat’s Ass About Your ‘Street Legal’ Ebike : Build Something Awesome

Whenever I surf the web to find out what is happening in the ebike industry I get pretty depressed. The US ebike market is a wasteland of cheap underpowered hub-powered ugly ebikes and overpriced underpowered torque sensing mid-drives. *facepalm* It’s no wonder that no one is buying this crap. The biggest problem I see facing…

Bafang Completely Redesigns The BBS02 … And Tells No One

With the introduction of the BBSHD, I had expected that the BBS02 had reached the end of its product lifecycle and would be quietly retired away. To my surprise, Bafang did a complete redesign of the BBS02 without telling any of its US based dealers what they were doing and released it without any fanfare. The…