Will 2018 Be The Year That Electric Bikes Finally Hit The Mainstream? Do We Care?

2017 was a great year for ebikes. Customers demand that bikes just keep getting cheaper, more customizable and more powerful. It really has never been a better time to get into ebikes than right now, as you can buy so much more ebike than you could a year or two ago for the same price…

No One Gives A Rat’s Ass About Your ‘Street Legal’ Ebike : Build Something Awesome

Whenever I surf the web to find out what is happening in the ebike industry I get pretty depressed. The US ebike market is a wasteland of cheap underpowered hub-powered ugly ebikes and overpriced underpowered torque sensing mid-drives. *facepalm* It’s no wonder that no one is buying this crap. The biggest problem I see facing…