Investor, Consumer & Crowdfunder Beware : Is The Entire EV Industry Becoming Fraudulent?

Fraud /frôd/: noun : wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain. Over the past decade, I’ve seen a disturbing trend as more and more companies seem to be blatantly trying to rip off consumers, investors, and crowdfunders with their electric vehicle products. Whether it is electric cars, ebikes, electric scooters or electric skateboards…

Does There Need To Be More Federal Regulation Or Private Insurance In The Electric Fatbike/Crowdfunding World?

Federal regulations are put in place to protect the consumer from advertisers who falsely advertise their products and make misleading claims. They can also protect consumers from flat-out fraud where they purchase something, but never receive the product they ordered or receive something very different from they thought they were going to get. Before you…