♫ Roam If You Want To, Roam Around The World ♫ : Luna’s Ludicrous 34Ah Giant Roam Fusion

When I go to the Lunacycle factory I make it a point to ride every ebike I can get my hands on (including one that they were probably building just for you). That’s right, I got my grubby potato chip fingers all over your ebike and rode it up a bunch of stairs and jumped…

Lose Some Weight Fatty : Create An Ebike For All Seasons By Swapping Out Your Fat Wheelset For 29 Plus

My token-old-person-friend Eric Skalwold sold his BBS02 powered electric fat bike several months ago and has been mercilessly harassing me about what electric fat bike to buy to replace it with for months now, while routinely borrowing my ebikes to thrash on. On our last ride, the crankarm starts falling off so what does he do? He…

The First ‘Factory’ Electric Fatbike I’ve Ever Ridden That Didn’t Totally Suck : KHS 3000 4 Seasons 60Amp BBSHD Ludicrous Controller

One of my great pleasures in life in picking titles for my articles that are particularly obnoxious and watching the posts show up on my Google news feed. There is something incredibly subversive about writing really down to earth and ‘in your face articles’ that call it like it is. I’ve ridden about 3 dozen…